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Hedgehog Class

Welcome to Hedgehog Class




Welcome to Hedgehog Class, our Year 1 and 2 class. Miss Wheatley is our class teacher and Mrs Steventon is our teaching assistant. We have a very exciting year ahead of us! This page will be updated regularly with photos and news of all of our amazing learning. 

Please check your child's book bag regularly. The children will receive a new decodable colour book every Friday as well as a book that they have chosen to read for pleasure. 

Home Learning

From week 3, every Friday your child will take home their new red home learning book. They will have a list of words to practice reading and a list of words to practice spelling using 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check'. The home learning is really important and helps the children with the work they do in school.  Please can home learning books be returned to school the following Thursday.

We will continue to use Numbots! They should all have their login details. However we will stick these into their reading records over the next week. Just a few minutes per day is really beneficial for your child's number facts and really supports the Maths learning we do in school.

Our PE days are changing to Thursday and Friday. Please wear PE kit to school on BOTH days.

Today we had Daniel from The Bridge Youth Project join us. We learnt about God's creation of the World and made our own creatures out of playdough. Here are some of our wonderful additions to God's World.



This week we have been learning how to add and subtract multiples of 10 using our known facts of number bonds to 10 to help us. In PE we have learnt how to throw and catch accurately in a team by calling our team member's name first.