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Hedgehog Class

Welcome to Hedgehog Class

Hedgehog Class is our Year Two class, where Mrs Heath is our teacher and Mrs Kerley and Mrs Irwin are our teaching assistants. Our class page will be updated regularly to share our learning with you; we hope you enjoy it.  

Our Long Term plan, Topic web and English and Maths medium term plans are located at the bottom of our class page so please do have a look at what we will be doing throughout the year. You can also find the spelling and reading lists that the children will be learning too! 

PE Days

**NEW for Term 5** Outdoor PE will be on Thursday afternoons - please could the children wear their PE kit to school on Thursdays and indoor PE will be on a Monday. PE kits for indoor PE will be kept on pegs and taken home at the end of each term. 

Hedgehog Class School Council - Harry and Saskia 


Term 5

Hello everyone, we hope you have had a great Easter and are ready for a new term! We are so excited to see all the children and get stuck into some new learning!  This term our topic is Superheroes with a focus on history. Keep looking at our class page for updates on the children's learning.

Thomas Edison - Electricity 


We have continued with our science learning, exploring different scientists and what they discovered or invented. This week we learnt all about Thomas Edison and his work with electricity. We discussed how his discoveries have helped with modern life. For example, we are able to see in the dark, cook our food in an oven and wash our clothes! 

Computing - creating computer art


We are learning how to create art using our computers this term and this week we learnt about Pointillism. We had a look at the famous painting by Georges Seurat A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte and this inspired us to recreate our own painting using Microsoft Paint. It was really fun but took a lot of concentration and perseverance! 

Sir Isaac Newton


For our science learning this term we are learning all about important scientists and the things they discovered or invented. The children learnt all about Isaac Newton and how he discovered gravity. They then carried out their own experiment to see how weight effects gravity. 

Term 4

The Bridge, Sounds of Easter Workshop, with our chaplain, Daniel 


Creative day - making animal masks out of felt

First we designed our animal masks and decided which one we wanted to make. 


Then we chose the colour we wanted and cut it to shape.


After that, we had a go at sewing to practise the skills we learnt in Year 1.


Finally, we added detail to our masks using PVA glue and felt pieces and then evaluated what we had produced. 


They all looked really amazing - well done children! 

Our Class Trip to Marwell Zoo


We had a great time visiting Marwell Zoo this term and saw so many amazing animals! We have been learning all about Africa and the animals that are found there, so it was amazing to see some of them in real life! We saw the tigers really close up and it was so cool! 

World Book Day 


We have a great time dressing up as an adjective for World Book Day this year! Can you guess which adjectives we dressed as!? We also had a live video session with Micheal Rosen and he taught us all about creative writing and making our own characters in wonderful worlds. It was so interesting and fun! Look below for the picture - can you spot him on the screen!?


PSHE Learning - Healthy Me - Why is it important to relax? 


We discussed today about what it feels like to be stressed and how we feel when we are relaxed. We talked about what it would be like if we never relaxed and always felt stressed and thought that wouldn't be good for our bodies. The children said it was like having a little monster inside our tummies and without relaxation the monster would get bigger and bigger. We then ordered pictures from calm to stressed in groups and explained why we chose that order - you can see us doing that in the pictures above. 

Geography learning - Using an atlas to get information about Africa


Term 3

Express yourself day! - Children's mental health week 



The begining of Programming using Turtle Logo


Fundamentals Festival at Wyvern St Edmunds



Great Fire of London Dance 


This week we continued our dance lessons and used ribbons to create the fire that swept through London in 1666. The children had a great time creating fire with their bodies and used the ribbons to show the flickering flames. Half of the children then pretended to be the buildings and the other half burnt them down with their fire dance. 

Resourceful Day 

Mini Golf 


Team Games 




Being Joyful in 2024! 



It has been so lovely to see the children again and welcome them back to school! They have told us all about their lovely Christmas holiday, with lots of food and fun! To start the year off, we thought about being joyful and how this makes us strong when we come across things we find hard. We looked in the bible, and it tells us that the joy of The Lord is our strength, so we explored how we can be joyful when all the Christmas fun has gone. We thought about different emotions we might face this year and wrote a prayer to God asking for help, and then we made a 'Pray-per Chain' and anchored it with Jesus. 

Term 2

Our DT Project 

For our DT project this term we created our own London transport with moving wheels. First we designed our transport using drawings and colouring them in with colouring pencils. We then chose our best design to use in our project. Then we chose the material we wanted to use that best suited our design and covered it with paper and glue - Papier-mâché


Then we waited for that to dry and when it was ready we painted our transport using our chosen design. 


      When the paint had dried we then attached our wheels and watched them go! Some worked more than others but we still had fun! 


  EYFS and KS1 Nativity - Born in a Barn 


 Happy Christmas from Hedgehog Class!


A visit from The Bridge - Advent: getting ready for Jesus 


We had a lovely time with Daniel (our school chaplain) this week learning all about advent. We learnt that advent starts 4 Sundays before Christmas day and this year the first Sunday in advent is December 3rd. We thought about hope, faith, joy and peace and how all of these can be found in Jesus. We then drew some angels and decorated them. 

Odd Sock Day - Make a noise about Bullying

13th to 17th November



We wore odd sock today to show that everyone is different, but we should all be treated the same. We also learnt how to 'Make a noise about Bullying' by telling a trusted adult, support and comfort people and speak up if people are being bullied. 



In our indoor PE this week we learnt different jumps (tuck, straight, star). We also had a go at travelling from one jump to the next in different ways, such as rolling, spinning and jumping. We then performed our sequence of movements to the class. It was really fun! 

Learning our new story - The Papaya that spoke



We have been learning our story by heart this week and the children have all tried really hard to remember each part of the story. We used puppets to help bring the story to life and worked together in groups to learn the story, and then they performed the story to the class using the puppets and, story map to help them. 

What is a Papaya?


We had a look at a papaya this week to help us with our story making. We described what it looked like from the outside, and then we cut it open to find out what it looked like on the inside! It was really pretty inside, full of black pips and orange flesh. We then described what we could smell, see and feel. 

Term 1
Magic beans! 

We had a special bag delivered to us this week and inside there were magic beans! We were so excited that we planted them and then predicted what we thought might happen to them. Some children thought they would reach the ceiling, some thought it would grow big and tall and some thought it would tangle everything up! Have a look at the pictures below for more.                                                                                 

Computing - online safety

We have been learning about what it means to be 'online' and how we can be safe when we are searching for information on the internet. We talked about our digital footprint and how we need to be careful with the information we share online. We then used Google as our search engine to find information about the weather in other countries and used keywords to help us search the internet without typing a long sentence. 


A visit from The Bridge thinking about 'Who made the world?'


Our chaplain, Daniel, delivered a really fun lesson this week all about God's creation. He spoke to us about what Christians believe, and we explored His creation of the world. We then talked about the different animals that God created, and then we created out very own using feathers and play-doh and googly eyes! It was so much fun - thanks Daniel! 

Our trip to Old Sarum



Skilful Day 

How to make a sandwich - we learnt and practised the skill of spreading butter on bread, filling it with jam or cheese and then cutting it in half and quarters. 

Orienteering - we learnt how to read a map of the school, looked at which way north is and then found the controls that are placed around the school using the map.


We also learnt about table manners and how to use a knife and fork.