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Owl Class


Welcome to Owl Class

Welcome to Owl Class, our teacher is Miss Pistell. 

Welcome back to Term 5! We hope you have had a fantastic Easter. Our topic this term is all about the Victorians! 

UPDATE - Term 5 PE:  no change to PE this term - we will be doing indoor PE on a Wednesday and outdoor PE on a Friday. Children can wear PE kit to school on both Wednesday and Friday.

Keep checking out our page for updates on our amazing learning!

Click onto Our Curriculum page to find out more about our learning this term.  

This is us!

Week 3

We are going from strength to strength each week and Miss Pistell is constantly being impressed by our knowledge, enthusiasm and perseverance in our lessons. Year 6 have been tackling algebra this week and there have been some incredibly tricky word problems for them to deal with, and they didn't give up! In science, we investigated the impact of exercise on our heart rates and in music we have sung Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. We have also taken all of our learning about the artist L.S Lowry and have started our own paintings inspired by his city landscapes.

Week 2

What a great week of learning from Owls! At the start of the week, we continued our learning about the heart and our circulatory system, watching a video of the dissection of a pig's heart. In English, we have been using drama to help remember key events from the start of Street Child. We have also experimented with a range of painting tools in art to create matchstick men figures and tested out our colour mixing skills - creating a range of tints, shades and tones. 

Term 5 - Week 1

We have kick-started the term with some great learning this week. We have been learning in RE about Islam and the concept of revelation. We had a challenge to make 100 boxes to reveal the names of Allah but we have only managed 46 boxes so far! In Science, we learnt about the heart and how arteries take blood away from the heart and how veins bring it back. We have started reading our class story this term: Street Child. We wrote interesting character descriptions about Jim and Grimy Nick. The sun was shining this week, so this year's Year 5 and 6 Tag Rugby tournament went ahead. St Nic's did brilliantly and we finished 2nd in our group - 6th overall.

Creative Day and Treat Day!

At the end of term, we had our treat day. In the morning, we enjoyed the whole school treat of playing on the gym equipment and then in the afternoon we enjoyed our healthy snacks, had some computer time and watched a film.

On Creative Day, we learnt about lever mechanisms and made a snapping monster prototype. We then designed our own snapping monster and decided on how we could adapt our lever designs to fit our design aspirations! We then made our monsters with their snapping jaws and there were also some moving limbs and tails in the finished products too!

Week 3

We have been experimenting with lever mechanisms this week. We first explored how outputs of levers can change by altering the pivot. Then, we made our own simple levers out of card and split pins in preparation of creating our own designs in the next couple of weeks.

It was also World Book Day this week! We dressed up as an incredible range of adjectives including melancholy, gothic and casual. We enjoyed some picture books chosen by the librarians and had the opportunity to share books with Badger and Squirrel classes.

Week 2 

Owls have been learning about adaptation in science this week. They have explored how animals and plants have changed their characteristics over time to suit their environment including learning about the anteater and primates. We also had Daniel in to teach us about Jesus' resurrection and 'the case of the missing body.' We found it very interesting because lots of us changed our opinions after the session. In English, we finished our setting descriptions off. We then drew  settings based off of each other's descriptions using different materials including pastels and watercolours.

Term 4 - Week 1

We have kickstarted all of our learning this week and have been introduced to all of our topics. In science, we learnt about inheritance and how traits are passed down from parents to offspring. We found it really interesting thinking more deeply about what we have inherited from our parents. In RE, we have been learning about Jesus' resurrection and looking at the evidence from the Bible to 'prove' this. Our computing this term is all about film making and we have split off into groups to start planning our short films. We used Microsoft Word to produce our scripts. In PE, we were practising our precision and speed in throwing the ball in preparation for dodgeball games next week.


Week 5

Painting our Greek masks.

Week 4

What an incredible week we have had! On Tuesday, the fabulous Maz Evans visited us to talk about her books and answer lots of our questions! She told us about the messages behind her stories and what it is like being an author. We have also been continuing with netball this week. We have started playing mini-games using all the skills we have learnt this term.

Week 3

Owls have been very busy this week. We have been learning about the skills needed to play netball, such as the different passes, footwork and dodging. We have also designed our own Greek masks. In English, our learning has been all centred around the book Leo and the Gorgon's Curse and we wrote our own sections of the story this week. Our Science topic this term is Changing Circuits, we have learnt the symbols for drawing circuits and then this week tested different materials to investigate whether they were conductors or insulators.

Week 2

We have been introduced to our RE learning this week and learnt about the story of Shambo the Bull. We were all deeply moved by the fight to keep Shambo alive by the Hindu monks and the class created a poster in his memory. We are going to be making Greek masks this term and Owls started learning about what Greek masks were used for and the different designs they had.

Term 3 - Week 1  

Resourceful Day

Welcome back everyone!  We have hit the ground running this term by launching straight into Resourceful Day.  The children spent the first part of the morning being exceptional role models to the Squirrel children and taught them how to play games fairly.  

After break, we played some team games but we had to play them without being able to communicate using our voices.  The children used ingenious ways to communicate with one another. 

Next, came building towers that were able to hold a gem out of spaghetti and marshmallows! 


During the afternoon, the children took part in outside team activities and mini golf!  What a great day!





Weeks 3 - 6

Apologies for the lack of updates but we have been learning so much! Here's a round up of what we have done this term:

  • Anti-bullying week; we wore odd socks and took part in a Kindness workshop with other schools.
  • Our class reward: we turned our classroom into a disco!
  • Kodu: we had a go using the Kodu program to create a different virtual world.
  • Katherine Rundell: the author of Impossible Creatures and The Explorer visited us virtually and answered some of our questions.

We also had a buzzard visit our play trail during maths!

Week 2

We have been thinking creatively a lot this week. In Science, we had to think about different ways to classify animals. We had pictures of  birds and mammals, then we had to sort them. We had groups based off of where the animals came from, their diet and their physical appearance. In DT, we evaluated Vivienne Westwood's designs. We wrote about what we noticed and what details, patterns and colours we found interesting. During RE, we had time to perform our radio adverts for what Jewish people want in a Messiah and then re-enacted the Transfiguration.

Term 2 - Week 1

Welcome back Owls! We have had a great first week. We have been introduced to our new topics for this term and we have been learning about volcanoes,classifying animals and Vivienne Westwood! There have been lots of eight-legged visitors to our classroom this week and the Owls have been showing lots of respect to God's creatures by removing them carefully!

Week 7

Owl Class have worked incredibly hard this term and we celebrated the end of Term 1 by 'going off timetable.' We learnt lots of different skills during Skilful Day. We made our own pizzas from scratch and improved our sewing skills by sewing cross stitch patterns onto owl keyrings. We really enjoyed eating our pizzas at the end of the day! On Tuesday, we developed our art skills linking in with Remembrance activities ready for next term. We used watercolours to create a 'Flander's Fields' landscape and painted individual poppies. Well done Owls - have a lovely half term!

Week 6

What a lovely week! We managed to have some time with our Badger Buddies in the Badger classroom and had a lovely time playing with them. We also presented our RE learning to the rest of the class using PowerPoint slides explaining how different professions were either conflicting or complementary to science and Christianity. In art, we learnt about how to print patterns using the printing inks and created patterns  inspired by Ancient Islamic art. We also finally utilised all our football skills to play some football matches. I was so proud of all the children participating (even our non-football fans!) and playing co-operatively demonstrating our School Games Value of Teamwork. 


Week 5

We have been super scientists again! We have learnt about sieving, filtering and evaporating to separate different materials. We then had a challenge to separate three different materials from water using our new science knowledge. Some of the Year 5's and 6's went to a football tournament at Pembroke Park school this week. We had an excellent time playing as a team and managed to place third in our group. The rest of us enjoyed going to church for the Harvest Service; we read prayers and sang some of our favourite worship songs.

Week 4

What a busy week! So busy that I have been slow to update our page! In maths, Year 6 have been learning about numbers in the ten millions, we used place value counters to help understand the composition. We also learnt about the position of the notes G, A, B and C on the stave. We then composed our own piece of music to accompany the song 'All Over Again.' We played our compositions on the glockenspiels and they sounded beautiful!

Week 3

In music this week we have learnt about music theory. We learnt about what time signatures are, then had a go at composing music using 4/4 and 3/4 time signatures. We  then became scientists;  and wrote up our investigation on soluble and insoluble materials. With all this changeable weather this week and school photos, we managed to do some PE - although inside. We had great fun playing bench ball using different attacking and defensive tactics. Year 6 also got a chance to meet their Badger Buddies and they really enjoyed reading with them. In worship this week, we have also been thinking about friendship and what we do for our friends/ In class worship, we made a giant paper chain connecting us all together.

Week 2

Owls have learnt in lots of practical, hands-on ways this week. In Science, we tested a range of materials to see how soluble they were. We observed whether the materials dissolved, reacted or float/sank. We loved trying to combine the glitter and water! During our music lesson this week we had out the glockenspiels, and we attempted to play the notes to the song we are learning. The tempo was incredibly fast! We also had a visit from Daniel, our chaplain from the Bridge, and he talked to us about the ideas of science and creation and whether they were conflicting or complementary; some very interesting discussion was had, and I am looking forward to us developing these ideas further in our RE lessons in the next few weeks.



Our Bridge workshop with Daniel

Week 1

What a great first week back we have had! We have been settling into our new classroom and showing how we are Ready, Respectful and Safe during our learning and at play time. Year 6 applications for their job roles this year are now open and Mrs Hill and I cannot wait to read their letters of application next week - remember closing date is Friday the 15th of September!

We have started our Science learning this week - discussing the properties of plastic and how this makes it more difficult to recycle. We then created a poster of top tips on how to use reuse plastic and the alternatives to plastic.

It has been incredibly hot, but we managed to get outside for PE in the morning this week. We practised using different ways to stop the football when passing and then played games to improve our skills.